Review spotlight

Pinpoint the real opportunities for improvement

Streamline your review management with AI technology that monitors what your customers are saying, saving you from going through every review by hand.

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Did you know?

Your weekly review spotlight highlights key areas to improve your business based on themes in your customer feedback.

Automated insights

All the heavy lifting’s done for you

Review spotlight harnesses generative AI to quickly summarize the content of your recent customer reviews and identify the common themes that run through them.

Actions identifed

Plot a course to customer satisfaction

Receive weekly and monthly reports with summaries and recommended actions, showing you how to proactively address the needs of your customers.

Voice of the customer

In their own words

View up to five representative quotes per theme, directly linked to original reviews, and gain deeper insight into the key sentiments being shared by your customers.

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Review insights

Unlock deeper customer insights and elevate your understanding of key feedback trends and customer sentiments

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Dashboard and analytics

Gain key insights into customer feedback, to monitor and optimize customer interactions, and enhance your business growth.

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Review tagging

Sharpen your response strategies by using tags to quickly categorize feedback and streamline your review management.

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Ready to unlock the full potential of reviews?